Dan Sugalski:
# Okay, I've checked in the final changes to this edit of PDD 2, the 
# vtable pdd. Tine to rip into it^W^W^Wexamine it closely. :)

I guess I'm first.

I think the PARROT_TRUE/PARROT_FALSE thing is a Really Bad Idea.

I understand that we need a way to indicate exceptions.  However, I
think that it either must be out-of-band or it needs to have a much
rarer value.  I would much prefer if it was completely out-of-band, but
if that's not possible at least choose a different value; ~0 jumps out
at me as a possibility.

C people are used to being able to say

        if(foo()) {
        else {

and I believe it would be incredibly counterintuitive to make them use
explicit comparisons.  Also, it more correctly maps onto various
languages--last I checked, -1 is true in Perl and other languages that
ascribe boolean values to integers.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

blink:  Text blinks (alternates between visible and invisible).
Conforming user agents are not required to support this value.
    --The W3C CSS-2 Specification

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