On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 12:07:26PM -0700, Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> Another thing to toss into the discussion, preferably sooner rather than
> later: continuations.  From what I can tell, implementing continuations
> relies on having an arbitrary graph of "stack" frames, and garbage
> collecting them when they can no longer be reached.  Putting continuations
> on top of a C-like stack looks either expensive, difficult, or both --
> sure, you can always copy the entire stack whenever someone does a
> call/cc, but for cases where the continuation is not invoked, or in which
> it is used like an exception, this seems wasteful.

With a C-like stack, we can implement something similar to what is
described in the paper "Representing Control in the Presence of
First-Class Continuations"
This seems reasonably efficient.

-- Jerome

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