At 4:48 PM +0200 6/5/02, Jerome Vouillon wrote:
>My feeling is that the current implementations of stacks are not
>- the control stacks store too many registers at once;

The control stack doesn't store any registers at all. I presume 
you're talking about the four register frame stacks.

>- the generic stack is typed, so it is slow;

Yep, hence the integer stack. Access to the generic stack can and 
should be faster. I'm thinking of some call-framing stuff to speed it 

>- none of these stacks provide any support for register
>   spilling/reload: there is no opcode to get or set the
>   n-th element of a stack.

Which is just a deficiency in the opcode set, or would be if we 
didn't have one of these opcodes. Though arguably the rotate_up op is 
a bit less than spiffy, in which case all we need to do is add an op. 
(So I will)

>So, I propose to replace them by a single stack.  Here is a design
>proposal.  What do you think about it?

Nope. :)

Seriously, a linear stack, even a chunked one like we have, makes 
continuations a major pain. Continuations are going to be more 
prevalent as soon as exceptions come online in the next few days.

Also, the problem with a single untyped stack is garbage collection. 
Right now, *all* entries on the stack are typed, either implicitly 
(the PMC and String frame stacks) or explicitly (the user stack). 
Forcing the GC to intuit whether a pointer on the stack is for a PMC 
or string (or is, in fact, even a pointer) is a rather time-intensive 
thing and, given how rarely the stack's likely to be used anyway, I 
don't see it as a big issue.

Could be wrong, of course. Wouldn't be the first time. I'll need more 
convincing for that, though.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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