At 04:48 PM 6/5/2002 +0200, Jerome Vouillon wrote:

>My feeling is that the current implementations of stacks are not
>- the control stacks store too many registers at once;

They are register windows, so I think they work fine for that purpose.
It doesn't mean the control stack must be used everywhere.

>- the generic stack is typed, so it is slow;

I agree here, sort of. Since I didn't write it, I can't comment,
except I'd like to hear the pros and cons of a typed vs. non-typed
stack. We are already assuming that the compiler will generate
valid internal state, so why check stack entries? Possibly there can
be a compile time option for developers to use a typed stack, which
would not exist at runtime in the general distribution?

>- none of these stacks provide any support for register
>   spilling/reload: there is no opcode to get or set the
>   n-th element of a stack.

This part I definitely agree with. While its not true that there is NO
support, it makes writing a register spiller
more compilicated when you have to worry about the order
in which you spill, and interference. There

>So, I propose to replace them by a single stack.  Here is a design
>proposal.  What do you think about it?

Looks like C calling convention, give or take a bit.

>On a lot of architectures, they are twice as large as integers and
>pointers.  So, we have two options:
>- make the stack entries large enough for floats (this wastes memory)
>- use to stack entries to store floats (we then need to be careful
>   with memory alignement)

The JVM does the latter. I think the first option is not attractive because
it bloats the stack since Floats are in the minority.

I think there are some valid concerns here.


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