At 6:10 PM +1000 6/6/02, Damian Conway wrote:
>>  Rich sez:
>>         But make Damian use "es", rather than "egs" for the
>>         eigenstate ("is" :-) operator.

s/"is"/"it"/, above (blush).  That is, the superposition _could_ be in
any of several states, but the eigenstate tells us what "it" really is.

>No, no, no! "any" and "all" are three letters, so the eigenstate operator has
>to be as well. And since the eigenstates are *examples" of the possible states
>of a superposition, "egs" is entire appropriate! ;-)

Well, neither "es" not "egs" is a word, at least in Scrabble (though this is an
"egs Scrabble" argument).  While we're on the subject, however, make sure that
you warn Unicode users against putting an umlaut on the "a" in "all" or "any",
as you can't have an umlaut without ...

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