From: John Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > John Porter wrote:
> > >I assume (but I'm open to correction) that it is *not* to simulate
> > >the vm of other language environments, so as to execute faithfully
> > >bytecode produced in those environments.  (That is, taking object
> > >code from a python compiler (e.g.) and executing it in our own vm.)
> > 
> > Actually, that's one of the purposes.
> Not to beat on Dan (or anyone else), but for the sake of those
> few out there who may be unfamiliar with it:
>     The general tendency is to overdesign the second system,

Please don't beat on Dan... ;)

Parrot isn't Perl. I.e., your Perl-vision blinders are on a tad tight. It's
the first general purpose vm for dynamic languages. That would make it a
first system not second. 

And with a goal like he'll always have at least one voice screaming bloat
into the one ear, while someone else'll be asking for support for yet
another obscure language feature in the other. If list traffic is any
indicator, Dan's done a credible job navigating it.

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

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