On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Melvin Smith wrote:

> At 02:13 PM 7/10/2002 -0700, John Porter wrote:
> >Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > > John Porter wrote:
> > > > but what about non-PMC variables?
> > >
> > > Generally speaking, there aren't any. Everything else (in this case
> > > the buffer/string things) is for internal use only. Languages aren't
> > > supposed to expose strings directly.
> >
> >Languages are only supposed to expose PMCs?
> >Not ints, nums, strs?
> >Why have them if Perl can't see them?
> Since Perl vars type-morph themselves, Perl will use PMC types everywhere
> that there is an exposed interface. Internally you could use an I/S/N register.
> I see no reason why
> foreach my $i (@nums) {
>   ...
> }
> should not use an Ix reg for $i, but maybe $i isn't an int at all, or @nums
> is actually a mixed list. Even if we did know that @nums was all integers,
> as soon as we see:
> %MY{'$i'}, or we find an eval{}, $i must escape the register and we lose
> the optimization.

So we don't see them.  %MY is so ugly nobody will want to use it.  And as 
for eval{}, that's actually eval "".  try{} will not pose a problem.  Keep 
in mind that eval "" isn't that common either.  Also if you're compiling 
some code every iteration, an integer optimization won't help out that 

And we do know whether @nums are all integers, if people program well. 
Arrays can be typed, too.

> Its almost as if the only optimization will be for
> foreach my $i (1...10000)
> where we know the type ahead of time.


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