At 11:13 AM 7/12/2002 -0400, Mike Litherland wrote:
>I've been lurking for a bit until I'm up to speed enough to help out.  I'm 
>glad to see a glossary is forming of some of the terms newbies need, but 
>there are some things I think are missing.
>First is that COW was discussed a few days (weeks?) ago, but doesn't 
>appear to have made it to the glossary.

Hi Mike,

If you would like to summarize the COW thread, and send a diff against
the glossary, someone will put it in.

>Next is that garbage collection should probably be listed under it's 
>acronym GC.  Probably with a description of what it is and how it works 
>under Parrot.

Did you check docs/ and docs/pdds first? There may already be something
there. The glossary is probably a good idea anyway.

>Lastly, in the several months I've been lurking I've never seen a 
>description of what the heck PMC stands for.  I'm guessing maybe something 
>like Parrot meta-class?  Anyway, the correct name and definition would be 
>appreciated here as well.

Parrot Magic Cookie. It is a Parrot class or variable, has virtual methods,
and is what you pass around in the Px registers. They are managed
by the collector as well. Any new type that you expose to the Parrot
language level is done via a PMC.

>If someone helps provide reliable definitions for these I'll format and 
>provide a patch for the glossary pod.

That is the way to be, thanks.

>PS Other website updates:
>Aren't we on version 0.0.6 now?  It says 0.0.4 on the front page.  Also is 
>the rsync

Correct, I don't maintain the site, but I believe Robert has said he would
accept patches. There is a cvs tree for it as well, I wish I could remember the

>  command on the front page correct?  Shouldn't we be using anonymous CVS 
> instead?

Both may work, I haven't tried rsync.

> >>> Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/11/02 04:43PM >>>
> >And most of my experience with taxicabs is in Boston and Manhattan.
> >I'm not sure I want an algorithm that drives on the sidewalks, runs
> >red lights, and chases pedestrians....
>Ah, shades of "top ten things you'd overhear a Klingon programmer 
>saying".   "Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software 
>'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people 
>in its wake."

I've noticed Dan exhibits many Klingon-ish traits myself, hmmmmm ;)


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