At 12:01 PM -0400 7/12/02, Melvin Smith wrote:
>At 11:13 AM 7/12/2002 -0400, Mike Litherland wrote:
>>Next is that garbage collection should probably be listed under 
>>it's acronym GC.  Probably with a description of what it is and how 
>>it works under Parrot.
>Did you check docs/ and docs/pdds first? There may already be something
>there. The glossary is probably a good idea anyway.

It's not in there. Looks from the website source that the glossary 
page is build from docs/glossary.pod. I'll update it now with COW, 
GC, DOD, and PMC.

>>PS Other website updates:
>>Aren't we on version 0.0.6 now?  It says 0.0.4 on the front page. 
>>Also is the rsync
>Correct, I don't maintain the site, but I believe Robert has said he would
>accept patches. There is a cvs tree for it as well, I wish I could 
>remember the

I'll fix this, too.

>>  command on the front page correct?  Shouldn't we be using 
>>anonymous CVS instead?
>Both may work, I haven't tried rsync.

I've heard reports of rsync not working. I don't use it, so I dunno 
there. If someone's got the proper incantation, or follows the 
directions and it doesn't work (when you're *sure* you know what 
you're doing) I'll update it appropriately.

>>>>>  Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/11/02 04:43PM >>>
>>>And most of my experience with taxicabs is in Boston and Manhattan.
>>>I'm not sure I want an algorithm that drives on the sidewalks, runs
>>>red lights, and chases pedestrians....
>>Ah, shades of "top ten things you'd overhear a Klingon programmer 
>>saying".   "Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software 
>>'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance 
>>people in its wake."
>I've noticed Dan exhibits many Klingon-ish traits myself, hmmmmm ;)

Nah, sysadminnish traits. We're much crankier than Klingons. ;-P

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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