At 10:27 AM -0700 7/12/02, Robert Spier wrote:
>Dan Sugalski writes:
>>At 12:01 PM -0400 7/12/02, Melvin Smith wrote:
>>>Did you check docs/ and docs/pdds first? There may already be something
>>>there. The glossary is probably a good idea anyway.
>>I added some definitions to glossary. I think the changes'll be
>>picked up on around 4PM EST by the autogenerator
>>stuff. (If not, could you give it a thump, Robert, or fill me in on
>>what needs thumping?)
>It should thump itself in a little over three hours from now.
>If glossary updates happen more often, I can drop the cache time

Nah, that's fine. Thanks for the confirmation.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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