On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, I presume the (rather abysmal) perl 6 numbers
> include time to generate the assembly and assemble it--have you tried
> running the generated code by itself as a test? (At the moment, the
> assembler's rather slow)

It's mostly the parser that's slow, not the assembler (about a second's
worth of startup time to load the grammar and do a bunch of
initialization).  But even without that, I'd suspect that the perl6
numbers would suck, since the compiler does some pretty heavy
pessimization.  For example, I included the main loop at the end of the
email, showing a number of painful things, including:

- spilling inside the loop
- re-initializing the constant zero on every iteration
- putting things in PMC's only to take them out again

Some of these would be easy to fix, but I think things need to advance
more in the "features" and "stability" departments before going for speed.


new P6, .PerlUndef
set I0, 0
set P9, P31[1] #FETCH
set N0, P9
new P0, .PerlUndef
set P0, 0
set N1, P0
gt N0, N1, L_19
branch L_comparison18
set I0, 1
set P6, I0
if P6, L_while_body20
branch L_while_end13
new P6, .PerlUndef
set P9, P31[1] #FETCH
set P2, P31[3] #FETCH
sub P6, P9, P2
clone P9, P6
set P31[1], P9 #STORE
branch L_14

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