Hi all,

1) perl6 driver program arrived in CVS/languages/perl6

    CAVEATS: it generates a lot of intermediate files:
             an may therefore clobber e.g. mops.c if you run
          languages/perl6> perl6 -C ../../examples/mops/mops.p6

          So please test it in a copy of your CVS tree.

    NB: source is a mess, but I wanted a quick start to get it running.
        Thanks to Sean, for prd-perl and many hints.

    and finally: perl6 will currently run only in languages/perl6

2) Some Mops numbers, all on i386/linux Athlon 800, slightly shortend:
(»make mops« in parrot root)

$ ../../parrot mops.pbc
M op/s:        18.270783

$ ../../parrot -j mops.pbc
M op/s:        363.468516

$ ./mops
M op/s:        196.355836

$ ./mops
M op/s:        366.106527

$ perl6 ../../examples/mops/mops.p6
Iterations:    1000000
M op/s:        0.303587

$ perl6 ../../examples/mops/mops.p6 -Rj # run jit
M op/s:        1.148392

$ perl mops.pl
Iterations:    10000000
M op/s:        2.22

(Iteration count for mops.pl was reduced, patch sent)

perl6 jit               1.1
parrot interpreted       18
parrot compiled         200
parrot jit              363
plain c                 366

- jit is a lot faster then compiled
- plain mops.c is only slightly faster the jit, i.e. 1%
- perl6-jit, albeit still totally unoptimized, doesn't compare too bad
   to perl5
- mops is a silly test ;-)

3) jit detection was broken, patch is on the way to bugs-parrot.

Have fun,

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