On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 15:48, Steve Fink wrote:
> I'm actually somewhat surprised at how little Parrot is tied to Perl.

I've no clue whether I agree or not.  OT1H, given its origins from the
bosom of Perl, Parrot is surprisingly independent.  OTOH, compare where
Parrot is to where it *might* have been had it started as a completely
independent project.

When I went back to resolve once-and-for-all the Perl or Parrot Design
Document debate earlier, I felt that to truly make Parrot independent,
not only would I have to change the name throughout PDD 0, but I would
have to revisit and revalidate - from a language-neutral position - all
of the original decisions.  Some points would need to be removed. 
Others added.

Should POD remain the documentation standard?  It made sense at the
time, because this was just Perl.  Would a language-neutral group reach
the same conclusion?  Or would we be supplying our documentation in
*ML/text/*roff?  Would Perl be the configuration/utility language of
choice, vice Bourne, C, autoconf, ...?  Even something as trivial as
version numbers may or may not apply.  Parrot was just one small part of
Perl that we were reinventing.  Now it's one big part of itself.

It will be hard to "untaint" the early Parrot work without seeming to
continue to be Perl-specific.  In fact, *because* of how Parrot (the
project) was developed, we'd probably need to *overcompensate* the shift
away, just to make the field seem level to other languages.

Of all the areas of Perl overlap, however, the one that is *most*
critical to Parrot's independence is both the one most people have
labeled as unimportant, and will be the one that will be most difficult
to maintain and deal with on a daily basis, and that's the mailing list.

It's great that we've got a bunch of toy languages that we provide, but
we're not providing Perl 6 as a toy.  Its development *must* move out of
the parrot tree, and that means that we've got to draw a rigid line
between the two.  Trying to have Perl 6 internals (in terms of Parrot)
and Parrot internals discussed on the same list will lead to a blurring
of that line, with all the standard ramifications of making assumptions
in code, etc, etc.  (Not to mention driving the developers crazy who
have to weed out mail on the project they're not interested in.)

So since Parrot's history is on perl6-internals, Perl 6 internals work
should spin off onto parrot-externals.  Problem solved.  They're
separated. :-)

Two other human X factors to consider:

First, with Perl 6 being developed onto a moving target, there are
undoubtedly going to be Perl 6 bugs/features/patches/additions that are
going to cross the line into the Parrot cage.  It happens in concurrent
development.  It's going to take effort to keep the two apart.

Second, while Parrot remains mainly supported by Perl 6 developers, it's
going to be a burden on the bulk of that community to force themselves
into those two different mindsets.  I'm simply amazed that Nicholas
Clark is able to play in both the Perl 5 and Parrot arenas, but they
have very little overlap in the areas being addressed.  It makes little
sense to spawn a new list if 90% of the messages are cc:d to the other

So that's what I feel is the difficult decision to make: the situation
as it currently stands is *easiest* on the known developer base, but
creates a barrier of entry for non-Perl implementers.  However, we can
make things easier for others to get more of a community buy-in, at the
expense of effort by the Perl folks, but there's no guarantee that those
people will come.

Bryan C. Warnock

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