Oops, I seem to have sent this direct to Dan instead of to the list.
Sorry for the duplication, Dan.

On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 07:42:24AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 7:34 AM -0400 9/4/02, John Porter wrote:
> >Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> >> ... I don't see how giving the list a
> >> different name will have any real effect ...
> >
> >?
> >
> >It will have a huge psychological effect, at least outside our tight
> >little club.  But if that's only as far as you can see...
> Really? At the moment, how many people outside the tight little club
> actually care about the name of the mailing list? And how many more
> would really care if we changed the name?

Hi.  I like Python, and I find Ruby interesting.  I refuse to learn
Perl, because it is Confusing.

I'm interested in Parrot mainly because I'd like to be able to take
advantage of modules written for other languages without having to
duplicate all the work.  I'd like to take a Python or a Ruby and fiddle
with it to try out different ways of doing things without having to
all the standard libraries.

I have no problem with it being called perl6-internals.  Certainly
doesn't stop me from being interested.  I suppose I'd be happier if it
were changed to a language-neutral name, but only if you *mean* it - I'd
be really annoyed if some token effort was made to distance it from
Perl, but it ended up being Perl-centric anyway.  And if a name change
turns out to be any trouble at all, it's not worth it.

I mean, even though my main interest is in a cross-language VM, I still
refer to it as "the Perl 6 VM" when describing it to others, not "a VM
optimized for dynamic languages".


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