John Williams wrote:

>On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Larry Wall wrote:
>>On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, John Williams wrote:
>>: On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Larry Wall wrote:
>>: >
>>: > Yes, in fact any list forced into scalar context will make a ref in Perl 6:
>>: >
>>: >     $arrayref = (1,2,3);
>>: That would seem to obviate the need for brackets to define array
>>: references.  Is there any case where [1,2,3] would be needed instead of
>>: (1,2,3)?
>>Sure, in a list context.  [1,2,3] is really short for scalar(1,2,3).
>I was just thinking that  $((1,2,3))  is also the same as  [1,2,3],
>and shorter than  scalar(1,2,3).
I wonder if you can't just use $(1, 2, 3) to the same effect. Also, I 
wonder if you can do this:

my @LoL = ( ("1a", "2a"),
                         ("1b", "2b"),
                         ("1c", "2c") );

If you can, the only case where I could see [1, 2, 3] being necessary is 
in a sub call where the parameters are wrapped in parentheses.

    md |- matt diephouse

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