At 10:22 PM 10/26/2002 +0530, Gopal V wrote:
If memory serves me right, Ramesh Ananthakrishnan wrote:
> I have this code
>      set S12 ""
>      set I0 0
>      concat S12 "hi"
>      add I0 1
>      lt I0 10 WHILE
>      print S12
>      ret
> Right version of Parrot, so is this a bug?

I get

No entries on stack!

last changelog entry in my built parrot is on 2002-03-19 22:54 .. so I
guess it's a bit outdated :-)
Actually, that's right. The hi's are correct. The "No entries!" error is because there's a "ret" at the end, and presumably this little segment wasn't called with a "bsr".

I took out the ret (don't forget to add an end!) and it ran fine, even without the commas.

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