I have this code

     set S12 ""
     set I0 0
     concat S12 "hi"
     add I0 1
     lt I0 10 WHILE
     print S12
 Well.... S12 does not Concatenate. I tried it a
million other times. If S12 is "" or " " or 0 it does
not concatenate but just stores "hi" once. 
Right version of Parrot, so is this a bug? I hunted
round the bugdatabase for some time, but couldn't find
stuff about this.
 Which reminds me. Is there a genral introduction as
to how to search for stuff in the Bug Database. And if
it isn't a stupid question what's a ticket and how do
greenhorns like me make the best use of it.
 The code seems to be correct and I checked that, so I
think it's a bug. If it isn't er.... really sorry. 


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