Dan Sugalski wrote:

> ># Instead, lets just give an entry number. We can have arbitrary data
> ># chunk #1, #2, #3, and so on. I'm not sure it'll buy us much having
> ># names attached.
> >
> >What happens if two tools (say, a custom debugger and the Perl compiler)
> >both use the same segment number for something?  Names make collisions
> >less likely.
> Whoever's writing the bytecode file needs to deal with
> that--hopefully there's only one writer. I'm in the middle of getting
> the API down on electrons, so we should have something to savage
> reasonably soon.

I don't think you can guarantee that.  Sooner or later someone
will download the packfile spec and write a stand-alone compiler
that generates bytecode directly, using none of the Parrot tools.
If such a compiler needs an extension section, what number do
they give it?  (I'll be using imcc for C#, but others might want
to do things manually).

Numbers need to be centrally managed to prevent conflicts, because
it is impossible for an independent person to "make up a number"
and guarantee no conflicts.  Names are easier to make unique, as
the name of the language/project/author/DNS name will normally
be unique enough to act as a prefix.  No central management

e.g. compare the MIME type system with SNMP's ASN.1 based object
identifiers.  Picking a new MIME type out of thin air is easy.
Adding a new field identifier in SNMP requires massive co-ordination,
and sacrificing of large numbers of rubber chickens to the IETF gods.

Names are also easier to remember.  Quick now: what is the MIME type
for HTML?  What is the SNMP object identifier for the IP default TTL?



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