--- Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 'kay.  As an aside, I've always itched for a qlike op that was 
> matrix-like, e.g.
>      my Pet @list = qm{
>          fido     dog   collie
>          fluffy   cat   siamese
>      };

That should be qo, and possibly @qo or qoo -- it quotes an object.

Since c<my Pet $lunch;> knows what type thing $lunch is, there's no
reason not to either automagically invoke a constructor or list of
init-funcs for $lunch, or at least create a temporary anonymous Pet and
then copy/clone it.

Likewise, either @lunch implies that qo takes multiple (perhaps a
single object can simply init with { attr, attr, ... }) or qoo does

my Pet @dogs = qo{  # Note {} delims looks more like collars ...
   fido    dog    collie
   fluffy  cat    siamese

> And I always wished
>      $=
>      @=
>      %=

Isn't % the modulus (remainder-after-division) operator? And isn't %=
the perform-and-assign version thereof?

In the manner of Accent, I'd like @ reserved as the RPC operator.
(There aren't many Accent programmers, but I am one of them, and it's a
[barely] living language used in a production environment. I'm not
proud of this, mind you ... :-)

$result = myfunc($arg, $arg2) @ $host;

This implies that @= is a pretty useless op, but maybe if tasks are
objects it's not so bad.

my Task dostuff = qo( myfunc 0 ); # function, priority
$dostuff @= $otherhost;

This is admittedly a stretch.


Perhaps $ could be catenation as well as scalar reference? 

Discrete scalars with or without intervening unescaped whitespace are
concatenated. '$' is used to make explicit the treatment of any
subexpression as a scalar.

$a = $b $" " $c;
$a = $b$c;  # Tres DWIM, sir. And the shell programmers will get it.

$a = $b $ f(g($x));
@a = @b ^$ @c;

@a $= @b; # @a = @a $ @b, aka @a.push(@b);
$a $= $b; # $a = $a $ $b, or $a$b

>      <$>
>      <@>
>      <%>
> would do something, too, because they look so pretty.  :-D

Would you like breaktyping with that, sir?


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