On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:
: To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still

Thanks, I didn't know it was that «easy» in vim.  :-)

: typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
: Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes to
: type the darn thing.

Sure, but that's only one half of Huffman.  You also have to consider
the frequency of use.  (And as a second order effect, whether you want
to discourage frequent use. :-)

I personally think vector ops are pretty "special", and should
remain so.  I have enough familiarity with (read: "contempt for")
APL that I don't want multi-dimensional operators to be the default,
regardless of how they're spelled.  Special ops should look special.

: Personally, I'm against non US-ascii chars being part of the core
: language. It's fine if people want their Unicode identifiers, or import
: modules to change operators, but I'd like to think I can at least read
: and write my own code in non-Latin-1 environments.

Perl 6 is written in Unicode.  This will cause more pain in the short term,
but I'm trying to optimize for twenty years from now.  (Yes, this message
is in Latin-1, but that can be considered an encoding of the first 256
codepoints of Unicode.)


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