Luke Palmer writes:
 > > 
 > > All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
 > > confuse <op> with <$File_Handle>?
 >     sub postfix:bar returns handle;
 >     $y = undef <bar>;
 > That has two syntactically valid interpretations.  It wouldn't take
 > even that much to confuse the parser, though.
 > Luke

it seems that this example does not work because : 

if <bar> is postfix op then it have to be "attached" 
$y = undef _<bar> 
and "_" is just (optional) part  of the name of all postfix operators.
$y = undef<bar> 

the first interpretation canneot work because unary undef op requires
lvalue expression as its argument , and <iterator> is not . 

but it seems , that anyway , the problem here is not with <op> sintax
but with the fact that undef is *term* or *unary prefix op* . 
(and it is the only one ( ... ?? ) ) 

arcadi . 

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