On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 09:39:28AM -0600, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> In the quest for keys anyone can reach on any keyboard...
> instead of «*» why not: (>*<), <)*(>, >)*(<, [>*<], or [)*(]
> Which stands out best?
>   @a «*» @b
>   @a (>*<) @b
>   @a <)*(> @b
>   @a >)*(< @b
>   @a [>*<] @b
>   @a [)*(] @b
> IMHO [>*<]

That might or might not be a solution for the particular case, but
I think that, over the long term, it would be much better to have
a general solution to the problem of how to represent a character
that's not mapped to the keyboard.  In five years, everyone's display
will be able to display any Unicode character.  The keyboards will
necessarily lag behind.  But if we had a general way to represent
a character as a sort of entity, we could translate to Unicode at
some point in a kind of "fixup" pass.  I could see using backtick
as the "escape" code for things like `<< or `>> which would turn
into what some benighted soul called "girly" angles.


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