From: Leopold Toetsch [mailto:lt@;]
> Garrett Goebel wrote:
> > From: chromatic [mailto:chromatic@;]
> > 
> >>Brent Dax had a nice suggestion for Perl 6 test organization. 
> >>I like it tremendously.
> > 
> > isn't it missing: t/var/list/...?
> *All* (parrot as well as perl6) tests are currently a grown 
> unorganized mess - though working.

Sorry, I didn't realize I was cross-posting to internals. I read chromatic's
post in the context of perl6-documentation. I.e., I read it as his/Brent's
plans for perl6 test organization.

I was just pointing out that lists appeared to be missing from the plans.
Didn't mean to rain on the way Parrot tests are organized.
I'll pay more attention to the recipients list in the future...

While I'm here... Will there be a distinction between lists and arrays as
their implemented in Parrot? I'm wondering if perl6 lists will be literal
arrays. So that:

  $l=[1]; $l[0]++

would be an error. Any plans for supporting literal arrays? Or does this
belong on perl6-language?

In Apocalypse 2, RFC 175 Larry teeters:
> [1,2,3]
> is syntactic sugar for something like:
>     scalar(list(1,2,3));
> Depending on whether we continue to make a big deal of the
> list/array distinction, that might actually be spelled:
>     scalar(array(1,2,3));

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro                   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road               Main: 913.384.1008
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