"David Whipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Here's an updated numbers.t file: I'm not sure that everything is
> up-to-date; but I find it clearer. I fixed a few bugs, and merged in the
> radii tests.

The attachments on that previous post seemed to go wrong: here it is,
inline. (Note that this version actually prints the .t file to stdout: It
would be easy to have it actually call C<output_is>). I'm pretty sure a few
of the test cases are incorrect (e.g. upper-case 0X00cc should be an
error). -- easier for people to see/comment this way, anyway.

print <<'HEADER';
use strict;
use P6C::TestCompiler tests => 18;
use Test::More qw(skip);


my $todo = 0;
my $test_name = "";
my @cases = ();

sub write_test
        print "TODO: {\n" if $todo;

        my @results = ();
        print "output_is(<<'CODE', <<'OUT', '$test_name');\n";
        my $count = 1;
        while (@cases)
                my @case = @{shift @cases};
                push @results, pop @case;
                if (@case == 1)
                        printf 'print %s; print "\n";', $case[0];
                elsif (@case == 2)
                        printf '%s t%d = %s; print $t%d; print "\n";',
$case[0], $count, $case[1], $count;
                        die "unexpected test-case format: @case";
                print "\n";
        print "CODE\n";
        print join("\n", @results);
        print "\nOUT\n";

        print "}\n" if $todo;

do {
        /TEST: (.*)/ and do { write_test(); $test_name = $1; $todo=0;
next };
        /TODO: (.*)/ and do { write_test(); $test_name = $1; $todo=1;
next };

        my @F = split;

        next unless @F;

        push @cases, [@F];

} for split "\n", <<'END_OF_TEST_DATA'; write_test;

TEST: Simple Integers

42   42
1    1
0    0

TEST: Negative Numbers

-5 -5

TEST: Simple Floats

4.5       4.5
0.0       0.0
13.12343  13.12343

TEST: Int Type

int 1    1
int 2.2  2

TEST: Num type

num 1    1
num 2.2  2.2

TODO: Format

1234567890        1234567890
1_234_567_890     1234567890
12_34_56_78_90    1234567890
1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 1234567890
1_234_567_890.3_5 1234567890.35

TODO: Exponential

1.23e1  12.3
1.23E2  123
-1.23e3 -1230
-1.23E4 -12300

TODO: Big Numbers

4611686018427387904   4611686018427387904
1.3209583289235829340 1.3209583289235829340

TODO: Bigger Than Big Number (Infinity)

Inf Inf



TODO: Binary

0b0110    6
0B0110    6
-0b0110  -6
0b0_1_1_0 6

TODO: Octal

0c0777    511
0C0777    511
-0c0777  -511
0c0_7_7_7 511


0x00ff    255
0x00CC    204
0X00ff    255
0X00CC    204
-0x00ff  -255
0x0_0_f_f 255

TODO: Simple Radii

2#101110  78
3#1210112 1311
8#1270    696
16#1E3A7  123815

TODO: Floating Radii

2#101110.0101 46.3125
3#1210112.21  1311.77777777778
8#1270.674    696.8671875
16#1E3A7.AE7  123815.681396484

TODO: Formatted Radii

2#10_11_10 78
16#1_E3_A7 123815

TODO: High Range Radii

20#1gj   550
20#1GJ   550
20#1_g_j 550
20#1_GJ  550

TODO: Dotted Notation

12#10:11:10       1582
256#255:255:0:34  4294901794


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