> Well... Perl5 didn't have typecasts primarily because it didn't have
> types.  To the extent it _does_ have types, it has casting, too: it
> just is extremely limited.
>      my $s = scalar <blah>;
>      my $s = list <blah>;
> The above can be construed as typecasting: converting an expression
> <blah> to either a scalar or list "type", but only if it isn't that
> type already.

I would argue that these are not typecasts, but instead are context casts.

> Casting and context are closely related, and both are required (I would
> hope) for multimethods.  If you have a multimethod:
>      sub foo (int $var);
>      sub foo (str $var);
> and you call it like this:
>      &foo($myval);
> .... the multimethod dispatcher needs to know if $myval is closer to an
> int, or a str, or something that can be easily/trivially cast to an int
> or str.  If I make a subclass of C<str> called C<MyString>, the &foo
> dispatcher should know that a MyString is a str, and call the str-based
> multimethod variant:
>     my MyString $mystring = MyString.new('hello');
>     &foo($mystring);  # knows to call foo(str), not foo(int)

Yes, but this relies on compile time types, not typecasting.  It was my
that the dispatcher would always operate on compile time types.

> My hope is that there is little difference between builtin and
> user-defined types/classes, such that both use the same syntax and have
> the same features wrt context and casting:
>     my str $s = $var;      # evaluate $var in str context
>     my MyClass $s = $var;  # evaluate $var in MyClass context
>     my $s = str $var;      # cast $var to str
>     my $s = MyClass $var;  # cast $var to MyClass
>     my MyClass $myclass = MyClass.new;
>     my str $as_string = $myclass;   # cast $myclass to string
>     my int $as_int    = $myclass;   # cast $myclass to integer

Ok, I think I was confused the way you phrased typecast.  We are actually
about constructors.  I don't have a problem with constructing a new value
a previously existing value when possible though the use of constructors.
that is not what I consider a typecast mechanism where you can cast any type
any other type all willy nilly.


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