On Dec-09, Josh Wilmes wrote:
> At 19:55 on 12/08/2002 PST, Steve Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can see the results here: http://foxglove.dnsalias.org/parrot/
> I'm getting a 404 on that.

Well, of course you would! Don't you know anything about the web? You
should have figured out that I would probably pick the wrong name
initially (/perl6), test it that way, then change it at the last
minute before I sent out the email. And from there, it's not the
slightest bit difficult to guess that I would forget to restart
Apache, and realize that I expected you to break into my machine and
restart it for me.

Sheesh, some people expect me to do all their thinking for them.

<ahem> I meant to say: thanks, I messed up. It should be fixed now.

Oops. But make sure you use the trailing slash.

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