On 12/11/02 6:16 PM, Damian Conway wrote:
> There's no need for special methods or (gods forbid) more operators.
> Just:
>    $obj1.id == $obj2.id
> That's what the universal C<id> method is *for*.

I must have missed this (or forgotten it?)  Any chance of it becoming .ID or
.oid or even ._id?  I'm kind of attached to using an "id" method on objects
that represent things in a database... :-/

More generally, I really don't want to have too many (any?) "system" object
method names squatting in "my" all-lowercase object method namespace.  It's
not hard to think of many kinds of objects that would naturally have an "id"
attribute, but must now have "foo_id" and "bar_id" methods because the
(probably rarely used) "id" method from UNIVERSAL (or whatever it is today)
is hogging it.

(The more I think about it, the more I like some kind of "reserved" prefix
like "_" or even "perl_"...but I'd accept "oid" :)


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