[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Deborah Ariel Pickett) writes:
> That works, with one big proviso.  You have to have predeclared all
> possible methods in the class to which the object belongs, AND each
> method in that class (and all defined subclasses) has to have a unique
> signature.

No! No, no, no! You're missing the beauty of runtime dispatch. Because
the method will be located at runtime, you only need that particular method
(which ever class in may happen to be in) to know how many arguments it
wants, (which I think was stipulated in Damian's message but I could be
mistaken) and it can all be resolved at run time. If you keep around the
n possible parses. Which you can do. It just shortens Dan's lifespan.

>   class B {
>     method bar($x, $y) {
>     method bar($z) {      # note 1

Oh, bringing in multimethods Just Isn't Fair.

> I'm uneasy about how the whole parentheses thing sits when multimethods
> are brought into the equation, but then I'm uneasy about multimethods in
> the first place.  I don't mind if people practise that kind of thing in
> the privacy of their own homes, but not out in public, please.

Well, you know, you brought them up, you get to mop away the issue.
> Damian, you broke Simon!  How could you?

Oh, be fair, I was broken long before Perl 6 appeared on the scene.

"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be, and
if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't.  That's logic!"
                -- Lewis Carroll, "Through the Looking Glass"

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