Murat Ünalan wrote:

Oh yes. Psycho-affectivly it is disturbing seeing the group of variables
($pre, $in, $post) teared apart from the initilizing (0..2). This is my
second step in the brain when analysing it. And this is prone to
problems like in:

 my int ($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven ) is Prop(
'camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl' ) = (0..6);

where the distance grows with property-syntax-complexity.
Oh, *that's* what you're concerned about?
Then you're just not thinking in enough simultaneous dimensions:

	my int ($pre, $in, $post) is constant
             = (0,    1,   2    );

or even:

	my int ($one,    $two,   $three,  $four,  $five,  $six,  $seven )
        is Prop('camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl'                        )
             = (0,       1,      2,       3,      4,      5,     6      );

However, I have to say that I consider it a questionable practice to
declare multiple constants in a single statement. Which makes much of
this discussion moot from my point of view.


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