Dave Whipp wrote:
I think I see what you're saying...Something else springs to mind. Consider the C<for> syntax:for 1,2,3 ~> foo -> $a { ... } Is there any way we could unify these two operators without creating ambiguities? If we could, then using straight arrows would be nicer to type than the squiggly ones.
$a ~> foo;
calls foo on $a, while
$a -> $x { ... }
um, does nothing... OK, I didn't see what I thought I said.
Actually, I do see something like:
$a ~> -> $x { ... }
as having meaning, namely "call the anon sub with $a as an argument.
Does syntax already exist for doing that? Can one do:
-> $x { ... } ($a);
If not, then the "~> ->" construct has a use, perhaps a semi-common use, and perhaps it should be simplified. Not to suggest another operator here, but "$a ~-> $x { ... }" anyone?
But you were looking for a way to play off their similar meanings to avoid having to use a tilde....
The BNF for anonymous subs is something like (I haven't read the existing grammars, so if I'm not using the standard terms...sorry):
anon_sub :== "sub" block
| "sub" "(" paramlist ")" block
| "->" block
| "->" paramlist block
The BNF for left-to-right pipelines would be something like:
lr_pipe :== lr_pipe "~>" variable
| lr_pipe "~>" function_call
If we were to combine -> and ~>, would it lead to any ambiguity? I'm not sure. Certainly we'd be talking about more than a one-token lookahead.
Actually, I'm not sure the lr_pipe is unambiguous in its own right. I don't have it complete, obviously, but I see problems with the two calls as is...
What is the result of:
$input ~> %functionTable{$state} ~> $state;
Is it equivalent to:
%functionTable($state) = $input;
$state = %functionTable($state);
$state = %functionTable($state).($input);
How does the grammar differentiate between the two?
Or would I have to type
$input ~> %functionTable{$state}.() ~> $state;