Jason Gloudon wrote:

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:21:42PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

# #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# my $i= 5;
# LAB:
#    $i++;
#    eval("goto LAB if ($i==6)");

Ok. Having inter_cs call DO_OP just seems more involved than it has to be.


How about a single self-contained inter-segment jump instruction.

Since the compiler knows when a branch is non-local it can always break a
non-local conditional branch into a conditional local branch to a non-local
branch instruction.

This would mean to rewrite the branch target to point to a location after the end of the current sub (or end of program).

if i, non_local1

would become

if i, taken1

end/ret # whatever
taken1: inter_cs_jump non_local1

Yep. Seems really much simpler. I'll try this approach.

Thanks for your input,

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