Some requests for verification, plus additional questions. If anyone has any arguments/clarifications/questions on these, please discuss so I can document.

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my int @a = (1,2,3);

@a[0] # 1
@a[1] # 2
@a[2] # 3
@a[3] # undef
@a[2**128] # undef (but not exception???)
@a[Inf] # undef (but not exception)
@a[ undef ] # undef, or 1?
@a['foo'] # undef, or 1?

@a[-1] # 3
@a[-2] # 2
@a[-3] # 1
@a[-4] # undef
@a[-Inf] # undef (but not exception)

Is [undef] the same as [0] in Perl6? Is there any index value you can give that will cause an exception?

2) As hinted above, is there a (platform-dependent) maximum addressable array index, or do we promise to correctly handle all integers, even if BigInt? (This might come into play for lazy/sparse arrays. Maybe.)

3) Array default values. It has been mentioned repeatedly that it would be nice to be able to specify what the value an array cell will contain, if it has not been previously stored to. What's the preferred syntax? One example:

my @a is Array( default => 'foo' ); # (a) by value?

my @a is Array( default => { $_ ** 2 } ); # (b) via closure???

Note that if (b) is possible, I don't know how you'd _store_ a closure as the default value of an array, if you're into that sort of thing.

4) Optional array behavior. In addition to default values, it may be possible to expose other details of array behavior, such that the user has some flexibility in the implementation of a given array. Examples:

my @a is Array(
min_size => 50, # minimum reported size of this array
max_size => 100, # maximum reported size of this array

resize => (1024), # internal blocksize (in indexes)
# by which array expands?
resize => { $_ * 2 }, # or via closure, based on current size?

exception => 1, # whether out-of-bounds addressing
# causes an exception to be thrown
exception_neg => 1, # (for negative indexes only?)
exception_pos => 1, # (for positive indexes only?)

locked => 1, # read-only, can't store new values

start_index => 0, # starting index, if not zero

... if such capabilities exist, what are their real names? Can anyone think of any that are absolute must-haves? Are any of the above must-haves?

(Note that the obvious added complexity caused by so many options can probably be optimized away for the default array implementation.)


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