
It occurs to me that no one has mentioned ML.  ML would be a pretty good
language to compile to parrot, and has reasonably strong usage in academic


> -----Original Message-----
> From: K Stol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:18 AM
> Subject: Compiling to Parrot
> Hi there,
> A few weeks ago I posted something about a Tcl->parrot compiler,
> but Will Coleda already was working on such a project. It would
> be a as a final project for my bachelor's. But because such
> already exists, I'm looking for something else.
> I think parrot is a cool target for compiling, and I'd like to do
> some sort of a compiler project. However, I don't know which
> language to compile. My knowledge is basic, so any OO language
> would take too much time.
> Has anybody any suggestions for me? (maybe modula2?)
> Regards.
> Klaas-Jan Stol

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