> > Apocalypse 6 and Exgenesis 6.  Please do a search on 
> perl.com for 1-5.
>                     s/en//
> Exegesis \Ex`e*ge"sis\, n.; pl. Exegeses. [NL., fr.Gr. ?,fr. ?
>    to explain, interpret; ? out + ? to guide, lead, akin, to ?
>    to lead. See Agent.]
>    1. Exposition; explanation; especially, a critical
>       explanation of a text or portion of Scripture.
> Luke

Ahhh.. .then it is good news that damian is off for some time to work on
A6 to E6. Silly me, thought it would be another language which he is now
working on ;) like P6, but A6 and E6 !

Thx thx,

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