Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 2:33 PM +0100 2/23/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Ok, ok, you have convinced me. Let's just select a default core set build according to the mentioned hierarchies and the possibility to build every combination, if the user wants to.

Cool. When we do that I'd like to look at revamping the tinderbox system to run tests on all the core types.

s. 4) below - that's easy

While you say it "tinderbox", currently the reports are really suboptimal. Some are red (stating not even parrot was built), but only have failing tests, sometimes the error reason is not show in the brief log, making it a PITA to read the full log (on my 64Kbit ISDN line).

So to make tinderboxen really more useful, they would need some improvement:

1) sync with CVS
Currently tinderboxen seem to delete the whole tree and start from scratch. This generates a lot of traffic (albeit - thanks - not mine), but this is IMHO not necessary:

$ cvs -z3 update [-d...] -dP parrot >$FULL_LOG 2>&1 &&
 perl Configure.pl [--options] >> $FULL_LOG 2>&1 &&
 make distclean ...

With appropriate error checking should do it.
Make normal entry in brief log is something like
echo "Parrot sync src ok" > $BRIEF_LOG

2) building parrot

$ perl Configure.pl [--options] >> $FULL_LOG 2>&1 &&
  make -s > $BUILD_LOG 2>&1

- [/me dreaming:] Filter $BUILDLOG to contain the first warning of some type and then only a repeat count and may be maximal 1 line per occurance of this warning, by deleting the line number and run the output through some kind of "sort|uniq". The error parser of your $EDITOR should contain the necessary regexen to get the real warning/error message even from the normally multiline mess{,age}.

- show all errors
- append status to $BRIEF_LOG and $FULL_LOG

If this fails stop here.

3) building imcc

$ cd languages/imcc
$ make -s > ...
$ cd -

Same procedure as above - but *don't stop* if this fails, only generate report.

4) run parrot tests (if 2) succeeded)

$ make quickfulltest

This runs normal, -j, -P, and -g i.e. all major cores.

In case of test failure show enough lines in the brief log, to really get the start of the problem. This is one line after the last running test. The output of the test (expected/got) is normally not of much value, but could be included e.g. as a diff.

5) if imcc did build ok:

$ cd languages/imcc
$ make test

The brief log should really contain all kinds of problems but reall be *brief* and the full log would be just a check, that brief log is ok.

my 2¢ & TIA,

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