Merely for the one small thing I might possibly contribute....
Would it be useful to have a convenient place to do polls?
I suspect there already is one somewhere, but I'm unaware of it.
I don't want to undermine the authority of the core planning team, but
thought they might like to have a simple way to survey for things that
are more preference than major issue.

I think all in all the correspondence on these issues has been pretty
positive. I've seen a couple of people think about flames, and instead
respond like adults. (It makes me happy. :) I was just wondering if it
would be helpful if I set up a web page where the team could give me
some alternatives to post, and folk could submit their preferences.

I suspect that there are already plenty of ways to do that, and that my
offer is weak, lol....  Personally, I prefer just hashing it out in the
list. But it was a thought. 


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