Larry wrote:

: sub foo() {
: has $s //= 0; : $s ++ ;
: }
: : print foo, foo, foo;

This is interesting, but I think it would be a mistake to give C<has> two unrelated meanings -- and I think we'd have to stretch our concepts of objects a little too far to consider these two meanings related. (Yes, *I* can easily stretch my mind to envisage the "attributes of a subroutine", but should everyone else have to?)

Futhermore, this approach opens another vermiferous can. I would argue that C<//=> is the wrong way to initialize it, since that effectively prevents C<undef> values from being used with such variables.

Curiously we have already felt the lack of an assign-on-non-existence initializer elsewhere...for optional parameters. Perhaps we have not yet have gone far enough in mirroring the various levels of reality that a value can aspire to:

Function Assign unless...

         true                ||=
        defined              //=
        exists             hmmmmmmmm

One is almost tempted by something like C<??=>. Well, almost.

But back to the topic of discussion. I have argued for some considerable time that this "static variable" *functionality* is extremely useful and much tidier than the current alternative:

        { my $s = 0;
          sub foo() {

But using Yet Another Declarator is, I believe, the wrong approach.
The variable $s is a regular lexical variable in every respect, save one: it has the unusual trait that is retained from call to call of its surrounding code.

Hence, I would argue, one ought to simply mark it with a trait:

        sub foo() {
           my $s is retained = 0;

Other possible trait names:

        is kept
        is preserved
        is permanent
        is reused
        is saved
        is stored
        is restored
        is irrepressible

Yes, the names are all considerably longer than a C<has> declarator, but I see that as a bonus. Persistent behaviour by a lexical is unusually enough that it ought to be loudly and clearly marked.

Oh, and note that I very deliberately did not suggest C<is static>!


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