Actually, I was the one mentioning it in a completely offhand remark
in some discussion about the future of wxWindows ;-).

I'm not looking for official endorsement of wxWindows as "the"
GUI toolkit for Parrot -- TIMTOWTDI -- but it sure would be sweet to
have, and definitely would not hurt Parrot-based application
development :).

When starting to think about this, I asked myself what library
interfacing with Parrot would look like. My first thought was to have
a Perl 6 interface for wxWindows, but then it ocurred to me that it
would be more clever to have all the interface classes in Parrot; this
way, _any_ language using Parrot could use the wxWindows classes. Is
this correct? Are there already tools to do the interfacing (á la
Swig) or does it need to be done by hand?



"One of the problems with Java is that they swept a bit too much of the
innate complexity of life under the carpet of the libraries. And so
now they've had to replace the carpets several times."  -- Larry Wall

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