On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 10:05:49AM -0700 it came to pass that Damien Neil wrote:
> Some Java programs, as you say, build a
> single-threaded, non-blocking, event-dispatched IO mechanism on top
> of this.  Java does not, however, have any support for interrupts;
> it is not possible to do AIO in Java.

You are (of course :-) correct. Java has no support for "true" AIO since
there are (fortunately) no facilities for interrupting a thread to 
handle an async signal and then have that thread resume its work. 
That's why this is widely simulated as (you and I) described: by having 
a thread dispatch a blocking I/O call and sending an event to 
interested parties (registered event listeners) as the I/O completes. 
There are interesting synchronisation and threading issues involved in 
this because the thread that executes the callback routine is (almost 
always) a different one than the one that registered its interest in 
the event.

As a veteran writer of MT-code and teacher of classes on that topic it
is my personal opinion that we would be much better off with a
good/clean system for non-blocking I/O and handling async (Unix) signals
than with an interface that exposes the full "power" of async signals
for everyone to use as they see fit. In my classes (e.g. Programming
multi-threaded C with Posix Threads) I try to steer my students towards
using one of the available patterns for handling signals because 
designing and building a solid signal handler that works in all 
circumstances is beyond most programmers (including me).


ek is so lug jy vlieg deur my
sonder jou is ek sonder patroon
   "Breyten Breytenbach"

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