>>Fergal Daly wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      is it possible with Test::Harness and MakeMaker to pass arguments
>> to my test scripts? I think it's not but I just want to check for sure.
>> The module I'm  working on is getting a new "optimised" mode so I'd like
>> to be able to run all the tests twice, once with and once without the
>> optimiser.

Create a sub class of Test::Harness and or MakeMaker that will over-ride all
of their methods/subroutines and then add what you want it to do, don't
forget to call super classes' method/subroutine that you are over-riding.  I
can give an example of this if need be.  If you don't want to do that, you
could build a wrapper class that will do the same thing without sub
classing.  There is also a module that will allow you to make use of command
line arguments which I found to be useful that you might want to take a look
at also Getopt::Std.  I can also give an example of the use of Getopt::Std.

>I have a similar problem; I'd like some of my test programs
>to generate other test programs on the fly, then run them.

>This seems to work:

>use strict;
>use Test::Harness;
>my $outf = 'out.tmp';
>print "1..1\n";
>local *SAVOUT; open(SAVOUT, ">&STDOUT");  # save original STDOUT
>open(STDOUT, '>'.$outf) or die "error: open '$outf': $!";
>my $success = runtests('t/some_generated_test.t');
>open(STDOUT, ">&SAVOUT");                 # restore STDOUT
>$success or print "not ";
>print "ok 1\n";

>but I feel odd. Or should I generate them in Makefile.PL?
>Does anyone know of a CPAN module that generates its test programs?

If anyone knows of one could they tell me too?

>More generally, which CPAN modules have particularly good test
>suites, worthy of study?

Take a look at Test::More and Test::Simple

Andrew Potozniak
Administrative Computing
Student Assistant
State University of New York at Buffalo
645-3587 x 7123

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