--- Andrew Savige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fergal Daly wrote on 14 July 2003:
> >   is it possible with Test::Harness and MakeMaker to pass arguments to
> > my test scripts? I think it's not but I just want to check for sure.
> > The module I'm working on is getting a new "optimised" mode so I'd like
> > to be able to run all the tests twice, once with and once without the
> > optimiser.
> Which module is this? What did you end up doing? I'm interested to study
> what you did, so as to learn new testing techniques.

I do something like the following to get this effect:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use Test::Harness;
  use Getopt::Long;
  use Pod::Usage;

    'help|?'    => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2); exit },
    'verbose!'  => \$Test::Harness::verbose,
    'quiet'     => sub { $Test::Harness::verbose = 0 },
    'include=s' => \my @include,
    'exclude=s' => \my @exclude,
    'shuffle'   => \my $shuffle_tests,
    'fast'      => \$ENV{FAST_TESTS},

In this case, this is part of my driver script and I call it like:

  grind --fast

That runs through all of my tests, but the "FAST_TESTS" environment variable is 
available in the
test programs that I run.


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