On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 08:50:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> The docs for is() says it uses eq, is_deeply() says it looks inside, it 
> doesn't say "looks inside sometimes".

It says it looks inside listrefs and hashrefs. That's all. 

Objects are not listrefs and hashrefs. They are sometimes made *from*
such, but they are not such.

The fact the is_deeply currently looks inside them is a bug.

> A test that sometimes tests one thing and sometimes tests another and no way 
> to know which it did is kind of pointless. When it says "OK", what's it 
> saying OK to?

This is a silly argument. No-one is ever saying this. You are just
claiming that they are.

> A _crucial_ point is that the test author has no control over when the walking 
> and comparing get swapped. The data you are trying to test actually controls 
> it.


Of course this is so. That's the point.

*all* of the test functions currently exhibit this behaviour.

> You wouldn't trust security at an airport that asks you "metal detector or 
> paddown today sir?" and so you can't trust a test function that lets the 
> tested data control the test.

You wouldn't trust an ice-cream vendor who had a pink goatee and a
cowboy hat either, would you?

I really wish you'd stop throwing out such ludicrous examples that only
serve to distract from the issues.

> > is_deeply() shouldn't look at the single elements differently than ok() or 
> > is() do. (Well, my theorie :)
> But it has to look at them differently otherwise how can it figure out if it 
> needs to walk into them?

if ref($elem) eq "HASH" or ref($elem) eq "ARRAY". That's all that's
needed to behave as per the docs.

> You may be thinking of is_deeply as something that just looks inside the first 
> level and then applies is() to everything it finds. That's not what it is and 
> that's not what it's supposed to be,

I doubt anyone believes this. It is possible for people to not believe
your Obvious Truth without this ...


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