On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 07:18:53AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The AUTHOR INTENDED IT TO and so it is not a bug. If you don't believe me
> and you want to ignore Michael's previous mail on it then look at the
> source code where you will see
>             if( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'ARRAY') and
>                 UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'ARRAY') )
>             {
>                 $ok = eq_array($e1, $e2);
>             }

Intention does not always survive the translation to code.  I find it 
somewhat flattering that you think this would be true of my code. :)

> If he didn't want to descend into objects he would have written ref($e1) eq
> "ARRAY" but he didn't, he used a technique that VERY DELIBERATELY means
> "check the base datastructure _even_ if it's an object".

True, that was my intention, but I wasn't considering overloaded objects at
that point.

Why do I feel like Thomas Jefferson appearing in the middle of a modern
gun contral debate.  "Oh, we never would have written the 2nd ammendment that
way if we thought it was going to cause all this confusion."

> If you think the author, his very deliberately written code and 1
> reasonable interpretation of the documentation are all wrong then there is
> no point in continuing.

Well then, I guess there's no point in continuing. ;)

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Woah, like, did anybody see my watch?

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