On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > Great. But will it also be possible to add methods (or modify them)
> > to an existing class at runtime?
> Unless the class has been explicitly closed, yes.

That strikes me as back-to-front.

The easy-to-optimise case should be the easy-to-type case; otherwise a lot
of optimisation that should be possible isn't because the programmers are
too inexperienced/lazy/confused to put the "closed" tags in.

And it would be a better chance to warn at compile time about doing things
which are potentially troublesome.

But whichever way this goes, I take it we'll have warnings like:

Changed method definition Class::foo may not take effect in
pending initialiser
 at program.pl line 9.

Overridden method definition MyClass::foo (new subclass of Class) may not
take effect in pending function bar()
 in zot() at Zot.pm line 5
 in other() at Other.pm line 10
 at program.pl line 123.

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