--- Stéphane Payrard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With Perl6, few people will compile whole librairies but most
> will load bytecode. At this late stage there is little place for
> tunable optimization except JITting or it would defeat the
> sharing of such code between different intances of Perl6. Nothing
> will preclude to dynamically extend classes. I note that in Perl6
> many optimizations were autoloading for deferring compilation of
> material until it's really needed. With bytecode, it makes sense
> (at least optimization-wise) that the programmer decides if his
> classes will be sealed or some methods to be final because at the
> user level it is too late to decide.

This speaks rather directly to AOP, and to some code metering
applications.  Being able to do this kind of stuff requires having a
nonoptimized version of the code available. I wonder if it makes sense
to provide potentially many variants of the compiled code: source,
nonopt bytes, opt bytes, and WIA platform? (Alternatively, this might
be a hellish nightmare, but I suspect that it would be nice to have
"run fast" versions of XML::whatever, and then "single-step" versions.)


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