At 08:10 PM 11/13/2003 +0100, Michael Scott wrote:
<snip> ...too much undocumentation going on.

One of the reasons I started putting stuff on the wiki was because I could see that updating documentation was not a high priority.

On the wiki I neither have to have CVS checkin rights, nor do I have to wait for someone with those rights to act upon what I suggest. This has led to my own parallel documentation - I even document the state of the documentation.

I know what I have put together is incomplete and inadequate, but do I move it forward, and I keep it up to date.

I've used the wiki quite a few times lately. It is great.

When it comes to pointing out that parrot_assembly.pod is just an earlier version of PDD 6, or that the "Per-entity comments" section in PDD 7 needs some thought, or that a submissions.pod should be added, I get warnocked.

That will keep happening until our number of active, core developers grows beyond
its current number of 4-5. Also, a couple of the guys split time between
Parrot and P5 so its worse.

I'd like to volunteer myself as official Parrot documentation person - a semi-autonomous process with clearly defined protocols and goals - and the necessary rights to achieve them.

Would commit privs to the docs directories help, for a start?


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