Jeff Clites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My main point is that you can't do conditional library loading. This
> code will try to load the "doesnt_exist" library, and I don't think it
> should:

>          branch  HERE
>          loadlib P1, "doesnt_exist"
>          end

> It's not because the branch fails--it's because the library is loaded
> before the script starts running.

It depends. When you run it immediately, you are right: The library is
loaded at compile time. When you compile it as .pbc and run it, the lib
isn't loaded ar runtime.
*But*, when writing that stuff, one prelim was, that the compiler sees
all libs in the same sequence as runtime does. So above code (or your
second example) is illegal.

> dynclasses/dynfoo.pasm is the example I was referring to. It actually
> works for me also--if I leave the code in imcc/parser_util.c which
> causes the parse-time library loading mentioned above. (I had commented
> that out.)

The parser needs the information, that the lib provides, e.g. the
classname. We could have a

  new P0, "className"

too, of course, where everything happens at runtime and the parser
doesn't know anything about that class.

> This brings me back to my original question of whether the parser
> should think ".Foo" is a macro at all, or if rather that's not legal
> macro syntax.

This doesn't change the problem per se.

> JEff


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