On 18 December 2003 21:44 Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> I can add local symlinks
> and hardlinks.  I'll compute ownership out-of-band and compare it
> to the test result though... I wouldn't want someone extracting
> this as joebloe to fail because the uid wasn't root. :)

Another thing to bear in mind ... is this a Unix-like only module? If not, then 
symlinks will be a no go. Win32 doesn't support them, and I would imagine there are 
other OSs in the same position. 

Computing ownership on Win32 can be done via the Win32::LoginName(), 
Win32::NetAdmin::LocalGroupGetMembers() and Win32::NetAdmin::GroupGetMembers() 
functions if you wanted a separate Win32 test script, otherwise as soon as you start 
calling Unixy admin programs your distribution will likely get labelled (wrongly) 
under CPAN testing as 'NA' on other OSs.

Barbie (@missbarbell.co.uk) | Birmingham Perl Mongers | http://birmingham.pm.org/

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