[ warnocked ]

Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The set_integer_native() vtable method of arrays is implemented
> inconsistently. The old historical way in Array was to set an initial
> size. My implementation in SArray OTOH only reserves the needed store,
> but doesn't change the element count.
>      new P0, .SArray
>      set P0, 2
>      set I0, P0       # SArray.elements()
>      print I0
>      new P1, .Array  # or .PerlArray
>      set P1, 2
>      set I1, P1       # Array.elements()
>      print I1
>      print "\n"
>      end
> 02

> This is bad. But it gets worse: You can do "push P0, x" twice on the
> SArray, filling the first 2 elements. You can't do that on Array. It
> would set the element #2 which is beyond the preset element count - push
> is currently not usable for Array PMCs. (PerlArray works basically like
> Array but does auto-extend)

> I'd like to unify the behavior and get best from these two worlds:
> 1) can set an initial store size and (if really needed)
> 2) can set an initial element count, not-yet set values are NULL.

> One further note, while at Array/PerlArray: the class dependency is
> suboptimal. PerlArray isa Array isa list. The underlying list is
> auto-extending and does no bounds checking. Array does bounds-checking.
> PerlArray doesn't bounds check. So for better performace and simpler
> code, the dependency of PerlArray and Array should be swapped.

> Comments welcome,
> leo


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