Jeff Clites writes:
> We could certainly do some sort of language-specific prefixing, as Tim 
> suggested, but it seems that we are then going to trouble to unify, 
> only to immediately de-unify. Certainly, a random Java programmer 
> shouldn't have to worry about naming a class so that it doesn't 
> conflict with any class in any other language in the world--that's 
> silly, especially since this Java programmer may not even know about 
> parrot. (But it matters, if later someone wants to run his code on top 
> of parrot.) If we use per-language prefixing, then I'm certainly going 
> to have to be aware of what language is "hosting" a given class, and so 
> it seems natural to instead just use that class name as I would expect 
> it to be written--"java.lang.String" for Java, for example.
> And again, one of my basic points here is that although namespace 
> nesting could be useful for some things (maybe), it isn't what's going 
> on in most languages anyway. For instance, Java does not have nested 
> namespaces--it just happens to have a convention for namespace naming 
> which involves dots, and also uses a dot as the separator between a 
> namespace name and the variable or class name. (Though I suppose 
> there's really 2 separate, but related, issues--how namespace names are 
> represented internally, and whether these names imply namespace 
> nesting.)

But in fact, one of Perl 6's key features depends on heirarchical
namespaces: namespace aliasing.  And then if the Java programmer
accidentally named a class the same a some perl module (unlikely,
because you probably won't see Perl with a org::bazbar::Foo module),
Perl is able to move that namespace somewhere else to make room for
another conflicting module.


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